Embossers & Imprinters for Plastic Cards

With our plastic card embossers you can issue embossed patient ID cards, bank cards and any other high-quality card in house effortlessly and cost effectively. These easy to use systems can be installed to interface with your computer and work on-line or off-line.
Along with outstanding technical service and support these machines deliver everything required to meet your current and future card personalization requirements. Accurate and reliable, these machines deliver everything you ever wanted in regards to card customization.
Use in unison with our imprinters to keep secure and impeccable records.
This affordable card personalization embosser can be used to issue embossed bank cards or any other high-quality cards in your customer’s hands in minutes. It can be used with a wide range of instant issuance applications. Choose from various personalization features such as embossing, magnetic stripe encoding, color toping, indent printing, contact or contactless smart card personalization and concealed card output.
This card personalization system allows healthcare providers and hospitals to provide embossed plastic cards for fast and precise patient identification and charge tracking. With this reliable and fast system you can easily identify patient documents with one imprint and get more out of staff production. Save time and money while increasing patient loyalty.
ID Badges and More
Protect Your Cards
These accessories work complementary with all cards we offer and work in almost any card issuance environment.
We would love the chance to help you find the card accessory that works for you. Take some time and scroll through our on-line catalog or contact us to design your own lanyard.
You get to choose the color, font, width, fabric, graphic along with the clips & accessories you need. Design ID badge supplies that will have people wondering how to get their own to wear.